Community Outreach

Summer 2013 IRC Students Provide Financial Education Services to South Florida Investors

The Summer 2013 student interns from the University of Miami School of Law Investor Rights Clinic (“IRC”) conducted several financial literacy and outreach programs designed to educate the public about how to manage debt, invest, and how to detect and avoid fraudulent investment schemes and broker misconduct.

IRC students Edward Proenza and Netaly Masica assisted the Clinic Director, Professor Verges, in conducting a financial literacy presentation to the University of Miami School of Law incoming 1L class during a Dean’s Chat, on August 27, 2013. The IRC presentation focused on the importance of managing debt, establishing credit, budgeting, and saving. Proenza assisted the Clinic Director in speaking to the 1L law students about student loans and repayment options.

Meanwhile, on July 1, 2013, IRC students Antonio Romano and Bruno de Camargo created a personalized presentation for a client from the University of Miami Immigration Clinic, who needed a advice on investing the damages he received from an immigration case resolution with the assistance of students in the Immigration Clinic. Romano and de Camargo educated him on basic investment concepts and steps to building credit. The IRC also warned him of fraudulent investment schemes and broker misconduct, such as performance guarantees, Ponzi schemes, and boiler rooms scams. For more information on the immigration case, please click here.

Summer 2013 IRC students Josh Azan, Alex Gupta, and Leticia Santiago (left to right) discuss personal finances with attendees of a seminar at the IRC.

Summer 2013 IRC students Josh Azan, Alex Gupta, and Leticia Santiago (left to right) discuss personal finances with attendees of a seminar at the IRC.

On August 23, 2013, IRC student interns Joshua Azan, Alex Gupta, and Leticia Santiago conducted a presentation to members of the community to educate them on building credit, investing small amounts, and avoiding investment scams. The IRC presentation focused on basic investment concepts and how to detect scams, such as social media scams and pump-and-dump-email scams. The IRC also discussed the various factors that affect a person’s credit score and potentially harmful conduct to avoid.

The Summer 2013 IRC outreach events described above form part of an ongoing series of community service programs designed by the IRC to promote financial literacy and to educate potentially vulnerable investors. These activities are in addition to the IRC’s representation of investors of limited means who have suffered losses as a result of broker misconduct. For more information on IRC availability for an outreach program targeted to your organization or group, please contact the IRC at (305) 284-8234.

Spring 2013 IRC Outreach

Fall 2012 IRC Outreach